Friday, July 13, 2012

"What are fears but voices airy?
Whispering harm where harm is not;
And deluding the unwary
Till the fatal bolt is shot!"
        --William Wordsworth, from the awesomely titled "Inscriptions - Supposed to be Found In and Near a Hermit's Cell, 1818 - I" (Yes, there is a sequel!)

So I'm a bit behind the times. It's 2012 and I just found out there are these things called Blogs. I think they're pronounced Bee logs. I imagine they're similar to the Balrog from Lord of the Rings, but I could be wrong.

Since this blog resides on the internet I figured I'd go all pretentious and name my blog after a two hundred year old poem by a dead white guy. A poet whose last name just happened to be Wordsworth. Yeah, and my real last name is Pussymerit.

But along with being pretentious, I think the name fits. I guess. Because this blog is going to be all about deceit apparently. Hm. Maybe I should rethink this.

Actually, the title refers to me. I am the unwary. Unwary of this whole internet thing. I've been hesitant to start a blog. Hell, I've been hesitant to start many things. I've stayed away from all social media for some unknown reason. Not so unknown really. It's fear. Fear of what I don't know. Hence, the Wordsworth quote. Plus, for awhile I felt there were too damn many blogs out there already and I didn't want to become another rusty clog in a machine of shit. But then I thought, you know, I would never say there are too many books out there, or too many movies, or songs, or religions--well, maybe that last one.

Anyway, I talked myself into this whole blog thing. Well, I had a little help from a friend, too. So she shares the blame if this turns out bad. But, really, how could this turn out bad?

So what's this blog about? Good question. Hopefully I'll have an answer one of these days.