Monday, February 11, 2013

Be Excellent to Each Other

The Wyld Stallyns. You know their name*. You know their claim to fame: bringing humanity together to live as one. It was a lofty goal. A seemingly impossible goal. A goal only a fictional movie could give us. 

Or could it happen in the real world? Is there, somewhere, a Wyld Stallyns in our world?

I believe so.

But to help me believe, I called on the ancient art of Science. Science is good for things. Things like this.

To find the One, I spent years and years--if I had a guess: two. Two years--of my life researching music, all music from all genres from all over the world. And with the use of graphs and waveforms and the Gale-Shapley algorithm, I have found an answer. I have found the One. A One, I think, that may take some time to process, but if one really thinks about it, makes perfect sense.

I present to you today what Science has revealed to me. The Wyld Stallyns of the real world.

Peace, thy name is Dio.

Yes. Ronnie James Dio. Old metal horns himself.

Of course, Dio fans already know this. They've known for years. But now they've got Science to back them up.

If the music of Dio can reach the ears of every person in the entire world, as impossible as that may be, there may still be hope for us all. Yes, like the Call and Tim Cappello, I Still Believe we can save the world. With a lot of help from Dio.

Can we do this? Can we get the word out? I think we can. Repeat after me:

Dio. Dio. Dio.

Thus begins a Daily Dose of Dio. No need to thank me:

*And if you don't, please check out Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and the under appreciated Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. Or, you know, just Google it.